Violet Oil 10ml.
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Violet Oil 10ml.
₺ 410.00
₺ 369.00
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Violet oil is an essential oil obtained from the leaves and flowers of the violet flower (usually from the Viola odorata species). Extracted through steam distillation, this oil has a delicate floral scent.

What's in Violet Oil?


It is the chemical component responsible for the characteristic odor of violet oil.


It is another ingredient with a similar flavor profile to alpha-ionone.

Salicylic Acid

It is an anti-inflammatory substance.

Methyl Salicylate

It is the methyl ester of salicylic acid.


It is a phenylpropanoid.


They are components containing various organic acids.

Violet Oil Usage Areas


It can be used in aromatherapy.

Massage Oil

It can be used as massage oil.

Skin Care

It can be used as a soothing and moisturizing agent for sensitive skin.


It can be considered as a delicate floral scent in perfumes.

Bathroom Products

It can be used in bath waters and body lotions.

Safety and Warnings

Violet oil should be used diluted and should not be applied directly to the skin in its pure form.

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