Mint Oil 20 ml.
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Mint Oil 20 ml.
$ 7.00
$ 6.30
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Mint oil is a volatile oil obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of the mint plant (Mentha spp.). It has a fresh, refreshing and pungent scent. Mint oil is known for its cooling properties due to its high menthol content. It is used in many different areas such as food, cosmetics and cleaning products.

What's in Mint Oil?


It is the main ingredient that is the source of peppermint oil's cooling sensation.


It is a ketone that contributes to peppermint oil's characteristic scent.

Menthyl Acetate

It is the ester component that gives a slightly sweet, fruity aroma.

1,8-Cineol (Eukaliptol)

It is a component.


It is a monoterpene.

Beta-Pinene and Alpha-Pinene

They are terpenes.

Uses of Mint Oil


It can be preferred in aromatherapy applications.

Oral Care

It can be used in breath freshening products and toothpastes.

Skin Care

It can be used in creams and lotions for oily skin.

Hair Care

It can be included in shampoos and hair tonics.

Food Industry

It can be used as a sweetener in candies, chewing gums and other food products.

Safety and Warnings

When pure mint oil is applied directly to the skin, it may cause burning, irritation or allergic reactions. When ingested, it can increase stomach acid and trigger reflux symptoms. It should not be used in very young children and infants as it may make breathing difficult.

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